Modupe Iwashokun
5 min readJul 12, 2023


Technovation is a global tech education non profit program that inspires girls worldwide to be leaders and problem solvers in their lives and their community. They pick problems from Sustainable Development Goals or they pick problems happening around them.

In a simple definition, Technovation Girls Program is a girls developed program to educate and teach girls how to solve problems in their town, city, community, state and country by making an app or application.

The Sustainable Development Goals or global goals are a collection of seventeen interlinked objectives designed to serve as “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now in the future. The age range for this program begins at 8-18. This program is mainly for girls not boys. It happens every year from the age of 8 till the age of 18.

Technovation logo.
Technovation Girls Logo.

SDG GOALS ( Sustainable Development Goals) are:

  1. No poverty.
  2. Zero hunger.
  3. Good health and well-being.
  4. Quality Education.
  5. Gender Equality.
  6. Clean water and Sanitation.
  7. Affordable and clean energy.
  8. Decent work and economic growth.
  9. Innovation and infrastructure.
  10. Reduced inequalities.
  11. Sustainable cities and communication communication.
  12. Responsible consumption and production.
  13. Climate Action.
  14. Life below water.
  15. Life on land.
  16. Justice, peace and strong institutions.
  17. Justice, peace and strong institutions
  18. Partnership for goals.
Sustainable development goals.


  1. Beginners Level: This is the level for the ages 8- 12. They are to solve problems by building an Artificial Intelligence Model mostly shortened as ‘AI’. Most times, they could build an application with AI in it too.
  2. Junior Level: This is the level for the ages 13-15. They are to solve problems by making a mobile application.

3. Senior Level: This is the level for the ages 16- 18. They are to solve problems by making an application and also integrate a business plan in it.


  1. For the beginners, you will need to learn about Artificial intelligence and how it works. You will also need to learn about some developmental app program like Scratch, Mit App Inventor and Thunkable. You will need to learn programming languages and codes too. You will need to learn on how to make an app using the developmental app program.
  2. Junior Level: You may want to learn Artificial Intelligence but it is not compulsory. You will also learn programming languages and codes. And you will need to learn about developmental app programs like Scratch, Mit App Inventor and Thunkable. You will need to learn on how to make an app using the development app programs. You will need to learn how to start a user adoption strategy.
  3. Senior Level: You will need to learn Artificial Intelligence. You may want to apply Artificial intelligence to your application but not also compulsory. The main thing is that you must learn how to make an app using the developmental app programs like Scratch, Thunkable and Mit App Inventor and how to integrate a business plan in it. You will also learn programming languages and codes too.

NOTE: Each level must have a team or group of 2-3 members. You can participate individually but you must have a level. Each team of each level must also have a mentor or a teacher to guide them on the journey of Technovation. The mentor could be someone who knows a lot about Technovation and have knowledge on Science and technology. The mentor and the students will register on the technovation page on the group profile.

STAGES IN TECHNOVATION ( According to Months).

  • 1st month: Recruit your team and find a mentor. Join a virtual Lauch Event. Get an early start on your app or AI project.
  • 2nd month: Identity a problem to solve and conduct research.
  • 3rd month: Write a mission statement. Make a paper prototype ( Prototype means the design of how your app will look like). Gather your dataset and start coding your app.
  • 4th month: Beginners level- Train your AI model project and start coding your app. Junior level- Start coding your app and start user adoption strategy. Senior level- Start coding your app and integrate a business plan.
  • 5th month: Debug your app or AI project. Make a pitch and demo video.
  • Remaining 3 months: Judging and Celebration of Technovation contestants worldwide.
  • Final month: World Summit.
Stages of Technovation.

The months depends on when you start Technovation Girls Program every year. For instance, maybe next year you will start January till the final month. That’s how it works.

If you want to participate you need to have the following:

1. An email( you own email).

2. A laptop or a mobile phone ( a device that can access the internet).

3. Stable Internet connection

4. A team

5. A mentor or a teacher/guardian.

6. Knowledge about Science & Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Programming Languages & codes and Developmental app program like Scratch, Mit App Inventor and Thunkable.

7. Strategy or business plan.

8. The Technovation login or sign up page to participate every year and join. Registration for girls and mentors is currently closed until next year. Only registration for judges that is available now.

If you are interested in participating on Technovation Girls Competition, click on the link above or search on Technovation Girls program on Google. The next session will be available next year. If you want to join, you have to wait till next year!!!.