Modupe Iwashokun
6 min readAug 11, 2023


Hardwork is simply doing your work with all your effort and strength. It is some thing you do that requires a lot of effort. Hardwork is really important in every work you do. Hardwork is the strengthening factor that keeps you going at high levels for prolonged periods. Without hardwork, your work will be in vain. Hardwork shows the gain of success. It does not always matter if you won in a competition or not but as long as you put hardwork to it, you did your best.

People see that when they lose, they would give up. Remember it doesn’t matter if you have lost its okay. Just try your best and keep practicing till you get it right. Failure often teaches us to accept our mistakes and we learn from them. This makes us not to do it wrong. Just because you failed doesn’t mean you will fail all the time. Keep to the practice and hardwork and you will see that it will be right.

Things You Will Need To Know

  • Don’t let people distract you from achieving your goals and dreams though if they are friends or enemies. You can have friends to help when in need but don’t let them be a distraction
  • Don’t care of what people say or think about you. As long as you doing it, keep doing it right and keep improving yourself to be better. People will always say something about you whether it’s good or bad. Just focus and be determined
  • Work hard but don’t work too hard. You work hard and play hard. Don’t work always and don’t play always. Please do both. Very essential. Don’t give yourself too much stress because you want to reach to the top. Sometimes you have to give yourself time to think before working. This is very important
  • Learn from other people experience or people who are higher than you in the course you are doing. You can also learn from experts too. This can boost up your ability and it becomes easier to work. But don’t copy them. Don’t be like them but learn from their way to success and impact it to your style in your life. Just learn from them.
  • Make sure your healthy and active before you do any work. Remember health before wealth is also very essential for you and people around you. Don’t let people feel too worried about you. Make sure to take care of yourself very well. Take care of your physical, mental, spiritual, emotional health before any work.
  • Give your best at anything you love to do. Don’t just do it anyhow. Do it with all your strength and give it a go. Work hard with determination and courage and stand out. If you want to do anything, do it with interest and passion. Fall in love with it before you really want to do it.
  • Know why you are doing something. Are you doing it because you love it? Or are you doing it because you are doing it for someone. It’s up to you to know why are doing it and the purpose of doing it. And also does the work you’re doing has a meaningful impact and why are you in the position where you’re in. What do you love about what you are doing There are so many questions . Ask yourself questions during your free time. Answer it diligently and deep thinking and understanding.
  • Believe in yourself that you can do it. Though you keep losing, have self courage, don’t be scared or afraid and be determined to succeed. If you dont have these qualities to yourself, you can’t move forward in your work. Be confident but don’t be proud.
  • Before you go into any Work, make sure you are ready and always available when needed. Don’t just do a work and you won’t be doing it or you won’t be available. Be ready and prepared
  • Never give up. Though we have lost we always have another chance to try and make it better. Improve yourself and identify your problem to correct it.
  • Be persistent, consistent, regular and punctual. These are very important. Practice on these rules to get better too
  • Be of good qualities. These qualities are: be humble, patient, courageous, not proud, truthful, be happy and joyful always, be creative, communicate effectively, self confidence, learn well, be obedient and respectful, don’t be rude to others and be helpful, collaborate with people for more ideas, teamwork, self awareness, be compassionate and generous, be a cheerful leader, be wise in decision making, think deeply and think well, be loyal, have a good sense of humour, be able to adapt quickly to new things, have empathy for others. All these are very important in your work. Be hardworking in them too.
  • Be warm to people around you, friendly, clean minded, be trustworthy, dependable( let people depend on you to do well) and be open minded.
  • Do not open out secrets to the public. If you Do, it can cause harm to you and your work so be careful of what you say in public and don’t mistakenly reveal your work secrets. Confidentiality is important in your work ⚠️⚠️
  • Be security conscious and be of notice. Be alert and be of sense when danger is coming. Don’t be fooled and be stupid. Observe people well before trusting anyone to anything. Don’t let them destroy you or your property. Be cautious and security alert.
  • Be of good conscience and have a good heart. Feel good around people and make people around you feel good.
  • Be entertaining and always try to be a fun person. If you do this, people will love you. Try and be a funny character to your audience and yourself too.
  • Appreciate what you do and give yourself likes. This can boost self confidence and courage. Like what you do.
  • The last one is most important of all. Trust God, believe him and involve him for all you do. God us our creator and he is the one who control us. Therefore he knows how to help us, what to Do, knows what will happen in the future. He is the one who will gives us the wisest and right decision, helps is when we are alone. Love God and let him be your friend.

All these things mentioned above needs hardwork to fulfil them properly. That’s why it’s really important in you work

Benefits of Hard work.

  1. Hardwork builds you up.
  2. Hardwork can make you feel good.
  3. Hardwork inspires those around you.
  4. Hardwork is rewarding.
  5. Hardwork prevents idle or lazy hands.

7. Hardwork is calming.

8. Hardwork shows what you’re capable of.

9. Hardwork pays off eventually.

10. Hardwork allows you to learn to establish a high expectation level and expect great things for themselves.

11. Hardwork brings vision, depth and dimension to our work.

12. Hardwork encourage ourselves positively.

Sometimes hardwork might be a disadvantage. It may be boring and monotonous. It consumes a lot of time and effort. But work hard but not too hard.

Hardwork gives you a sense of achievement, fulfilment and self-satisfaction.

If you have been working hard, please keep working hard because it pays off eventually. Like they always ‘ whatever you do whether it is good or bad will come back to you in a surprise’. Thank you!

