The Disadvantages of the next Generation: Generation Beta.

Modupe Iwashokun
2 min readJul 23, 2023


As we all know, Generation Z, Alpha and Beta has a good knowledge about technology and will later advance in technology especially the generation beta. But the downside is that they may be using these technologies for evil things.

Just like what we see in the Generation alpha era ( present generation) , we have noticed so many things for what they use these technologies for. An example is that many youths and children ( mainly teens) expose personal secrets or things that are not to be exposed to the public with the use of these technologies They expose their bodies ( pornography), phone numbers, home address, problems and office secrets( confidentiality). These are not to be exposed and besides the public does not need to know about these things. We can only expose things that people will use for their future lives; inspiring things and useful information. This is what the public needs to know. The upcoming generation called the Generation Beta can make these things worse if care is not taken. In the Gen beta era, the technology will become more advance and suitable for humans to use. We will also see ourselves communicating with technology in a very interactive way just like we communicate with humans. However, the present generation should guide on the upcoming generation to come on how to wisely use technology.

There is a warning that they have to be careful of their personal lives and care for their personal developments. The center of their lives and motives should be God so they don’t live empty lives and become fools while thinking in their own eyes that they are wise.


Finally, they should use their advanced technologies for good and meaningful that can make the world a better place. That’s why they are called “ Generation Beta". because they are expected to make the world more better for us to live in. Thank you for reading my story. Bye!!!

